Hidden Harbor Reciprocal
As a member of Hidden Harbor Yacht Club, you are able to benefit from reciprocal moorage agreements with over 80 other yacht clubs. From Portland to Vancouver Island and beyond.
To see OUR reciprocal destinations:
click on the link below and sign up (the account is free). Club is HHYC.
When exercising reciprocal moorage privileges, please follow the guidelines below:
- Current member of HHYC to exercise reciprocal moorage, fly a HHYC burgee and carry a current year membership card
- Be respectful of others and the facility. We are a guest and do not want to have our mooring privileges revoked. Use the interactive links at the yachtdestinations.org site to obtain specific information about the reciprocal requirements of your destination.

When using HHYC’s Reciprocal at Fishermans Terminal:
- Reciprocal Moorage: : 1 slip available per night. First night free, second night reimbursed at 50%. Electricity not included. Available only to skippers and their boats
that belong to clubs with reciprocal agreements with HHYC - When using HHYC’s Reciprocal at Fisherman’s Terminal Harbormaster pay the marina directly and email a copy/photo of your both your receipt and eligible reciprocal Yacht Club membership card to: Treasurer@hhycseattle.com
Request for refund must be received within 60 days of use.